
Workers Comp: How Do You Classify An Employee That Performs Multiple Duties?

Ah, the mysterious and elusive Workers Comp.  It's the simplest of insurance products to understand: it pays for workers who are injured on the job.

Posted on July 21, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

What Is Your Total Cost Of Risk?

Since the future is unknown, the range of bad things that can happen to your business - from very small to very large - is also unknown.  What do you

Posted on July 06, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

What Is Risk Management?

What is Risk Management?  A common misconception among those that have ever pondered the phrase is that Risk Management is insurance.  But that is

Posted on June 29, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

Insuring A Cave

Caves have been a part of human existence ever since the beginning.  Our Neanderthal ancestors lived in them and drew pictures in them. Today, bomb s

Posted on June 14, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

What Is A Third Party Administrator?

Third Party Administrators.  What are they?  If you've had a workers comp claim, you might have dealt with one.  They are outsourced claims adjuste

Posted on June 07, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

Why Is My Workers Comp So Expensive?

Why is my workers comp so expensive?  This is one of the most FAQ of all the FAQs.  The truth is, there are a lot of factors going into your workers

Posted on June 01, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

The Nasty Contractors General Liability Endorsements

I've written about the Prior Works Exclusion and how it can be a black hole of non-coverage for a contractor. Yes, it's pretty bad.  What I want to w

Posted on May 25, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

Can Owners & Officers Be Excluded On Workers Comp In California?

Note: if you want to read the updated version for 2017, click here. I frequently get asked the question about who can be excluded on a Workers Comp

Posted on May 18, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

Top Five Mistakes In Insuring A Winery

You're a winery owner and you need insurance.  How do you find the right policy?  What do you look for?  Or maybe you already have insurance.  How

Posted on May 10, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

Do I Need A Primary & Non-Contributory Wording Endorsement?

Recently I wrote this blog about the Primary & Non-Contributory Wording Endorsement.  It was a nice article, and all true.  What I want to tell

Posted on May 03, 2016 By Eli Gillespie

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Gillespie Insurance Services helps people and businesses in California, Arizona and Nevada.